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On Sunday, the OASI Foundation celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a ceremony held in Gozo. In the late 80s, Fr. Emmanuel Cordina started encountering cases of drug experimentation in Gozo, and became aware of the lack of educational and preventive services in the sector.

With the help of a group of people, Fr. Cordina started the OASI project, and on Wednesday, the 26th of June 1991, the OASI Foundation was officially set up.

OASI said, as a house needs solid foundations to hold fast against the elements, so does society. The Founders always believed that children and youths are the foundations of society, and thus OASI started its work in prevention to help society strengthen future generations.

The next step for the Foundation was to set up a futuristic programme of prevention and care tailored to Gozitan needs as well as the national social milieu. A year after foundation, a programme was chosen that could offer OASI and its clients services tackling toxic substance abuse.

OASI said that its new social project was built around three central elements: preventive education, effective intervention and intensive therapeutic rehabilitation. The programme was based on the philosophy, pedagogy and therapy of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step Programme and the biopsychosocial Minnesota Model. These worthwhile decisions are still bearing fruit today.

Oven these 25 years of work in the community, OASI continued to grow and renew itself. On the 20th of November, 1998, a Residential Centre was opened and all services started also being offered on a residential basis. Over the years, OASI has twice had to increase the size of its Centre in Victoria, Gozo.

In 2009, a new Residential Home was opened, increasing the number of beds from 7 to 15. Over the years, OASI said that it has faced many problems, including a period between 2003 and 2004 when the residential centre had to close.

"This was a difficult time for OASI and its clients who were following the 12-Step Programme, which is only offered by OASI in Malta. In spite of these setbacks, assistance was still given to persons seeking assistance with social problems from OASI during this time."

In 2013, reform was carried out to help the Foundation strengthen its structures so as to be better prepared to face current problems as well as future ones. At this time, the Foundation was structured into 5 departments: Administration, Volunteers, Primary Prevention, Immediate Intervention, and the Treatment Unit.

This year, the Board of Directors has updated and registered a new statute, with the intention of putting the Foundation in a better position to carry out its work in the community with greater efficiency and civic responsibility.

OASI said that the new statute reflects the changes that happened in both the Foundation itself and society at large over the preceding 25 years.

This statute gives all friends of OASI, volunteers and benefactors, the opportunity to become ordinary members of the Foundation, with the right to attend Annual General Meetings and vote about internal changes and in elections to fill vacant posts on the Board of Directors.

The OASI Foundation said that its mission is to continue to spread and grow its educational, therapeutic and social work. "This can only be done thanks to the dedication and ceaseless work of all those who support the Foundation."

OASI gave special thanks to the Directors, all other volunteers, staff and benefactors, past and present, "thanks to whom OASI remains present, working for the benefit of society, to this day."

During Sunday's celebrations a memento was presented to Karista Stellini by Fr. Emmanuel Cordina, in appreciation of her voluntary services to the OASI Foundation.

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Another huge success for the 3rd Edition of Youths 4 Youths by OASI Foundation                       

On the 17th September, OASI Foundation in collaboration with HSBC Malta Foundation organised the 3rd edition of Youths 4 Youths. The aim behind this project was to target Gozitan children and help them socialize with others through edutainment activities, while also providing a safe and healthy learning environment.  This will ultimate help children to view OASI not only as an institution, but as a safe place where people can seek help if they should ever be involved in any social problem. Together with a good amount of Gozitan children, a group of children from the NGO Tgħanniqa Bormla have been invited.  This NGO works to provide educational activities to mostly disadvantaged children and youths. OASI believes that this mixture will be pro-active, as both groups can learn and grow through being exposed to others’ experiences.

The activity involved a tour around the Citadel while visiting some museums where the children could learn more about the History of Malta, a bbq at the OASI premises and a preventive educational workshop that focused on the importance of choosing the right friends.

Youths 4 Youths was once again a huge success with both children and carers having a great time while learning invaluable things. The OASI Foundation would like to thank HSBC Malta Foundation for the sponsorship as without its help, such an activity would not be possible. 


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On Sunday, March 22nd, 2015, the OASI Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo, Gozo Sports Board and Gozo College, organized the 1st edition of the OASI Family Fest.  This event aimed to provide people with a fun, positive space where they could enjoy themselves alone or with friends or family. 

A number of distinguished guests took part in the event, including Dr. Anton Refalo, Minister for Gozo, Dr. Samuel Azzopardi, Mayor of Victoria, Mr. Alvin Grech, CEO of the Gozo Sports Board, H.L. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, and Mr. Edgar Preca, representing H.E. the President. 

The event was a great success, with around 600 people participating in all the different activities.  These included a walk and run from the OASI Centre to the Ta’ Xhajma Race Track, the setting up of an artisan market, train rides, Shetland pony rides, and a number of fun games for children.

OASI Foundation would like to thank all those people who made this event possible especially all the volunteers and all the people present for the activity.   


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On Saturday 9th August the OASI Foundation Primary Prevention Team held the 23rd edition of the annual open-air festival Riflessi Sajfin, at Menqa in Marsalforn, Gozo.

A number of new performers and other established singers and dancers were given the opportunity to perform this year. Some of the artists were: Deborah C, YADA Dance Academy Gozo, Centre Stage, New Identity Line Dancing by Josephine Farrugia, Audrey Marie Bartolo and Sarah Bonnici.

The festival’s stage was provided by the Gozo Culture and Information Office at the Gozo Ministry, and was equipped with the latest light and sound . The thrilling experience was a delight for presenters Nicole and Brenton Azzopardi.

We would like to take the time to thank all the sponsors for their support, as they are invaluable and helped in making this event possible, namely: Lombard Bank, Satariano and GO. Also, General Soft Drinks sponsored through Kristal Water, Nectar Group of Companies, Malta Tourism Authority, Mediterranean Bank, The Alfred Mizzi Foundation, Fimbank, Smuggler’s Cave Restaurant, Downtown Hotel, San Antonio Hotel, Calypso Hotel, Ramla Bay Resort, Downtown Restaurant, Captain Morgan Cruises, Gozo Arts, Arkadia, Tutto Casa, Duke’s Café, Marilyn’s Hair and Beauty Salon, Alveene’s Hair and Beauty Salon, AEL Car Rentals and Eldorado Restaurant.

The three hour festival was a huge success, with a variety of artists performing on stage and with hundreds of Maltese, Gozitans and foreigners attending the event.

We would like to also thank all those who participated on and behind stage and the general public who have always given OASI Foundation their support and appreciation. Special thanks go to all OASI volunteers for their organisational support. Thank you all for helping once again and for the 23rd time to make Riflessi Sajfin 2014 the success that it was!


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To commemorate the 23rd anniversary since the opening of the OASI Foundation, Director General Fr Emmanuel Cordina celebrated a thanksgiving Mass at its centre in Victoria.  During the ceremony, the Oasi Award was presented to Dorothy Meli, Maria Debono and Carmen Cordina for their help and support over the years.

Gozo Minister Anton Refalo emphasised that Oasi is a source of energy and hope for those in need and especially for youths. Present for this commemoration were members of the board of directors, staff, volunteers, benefactors, clients and their families.

The Foundation provides all its services free of charge.

Anyone wishing to support the foundation may send a donation to the director-general, Oasi Centre, 5, Triq Wied Sara, Victoria VCT2963.

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The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, commemorated annually by the United Nations, coincided with the 23rd anniversary of its founding, the OASI Foundation.

On this day, the OASI Foundation organised a National Discussion,' The True Reality: Decriminalisation, Legalisation or Depenalisation?' which was held at the Grand Hotel Mgarr. The debate, moderated by Dr. Andrew Azzopardi, consisted of two panels composed of experts who discussed the topic at hand.

During the discussion, Dr Justyne Caruana, Parliamentary Secretary for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Aging, spoke of the need to be more sensitive on social sectors. She said that further collaboration was needed between stakeholders concerned in these areas, by pulling together and working towards achieving one goal.

The audience was an active participant in the debate, and included representatives from diverse fields, including government agencies, non-governmental organisations, educators, persons working with youths and students, as well as agencies with direct ties to drug issues and drug users, including Sedqa and Caritas.

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On Saturday 10th August the OASI Foundation's Prevention Team held the 22nd edition of the annual open-air festival Riflessi Sajfin, at the Menqa in Marsalforn Gozo.

The three hour festival, which was presented by Joseph Refalo and Kelly Cassar, was a huge success, with a variety of artists performing on stage and with hundreds of Maltese, Gozitans and foreigners attending the event.

A number of new performers and other established singers and dancers were given the opportunity to perform this year including Deborah C, YADA Dance Academy Gozo, Qala Folk Group, Gozo Line Dancers by Josephine Farrugia, Power House, Brenton Azzopardi, and Sarah Bonnici.

The Organising Committee of Riflessi Sajfin 2013 would like to thank all the sponsors who have made this event possible, namely: APS Bank, St. James Hospital, Dominic’s Department Store, The Alfred Mizzi Foundation – The Atrium, AX Foundation and GO. Also, Nectar Group of Companies, Malta Tourism Authority, Farsons Faoundation, Kempinski Hotel, Calypso Hotel, Soreda Hotel, Preluna Hotel, Solana Hotel, Bella Vista Hotel, Park Hotel, Ramla Bay Resort, Tony & Guy, Odyssey Restaurant, Kartell Restaurant, Annie’s Salon, Marlena’s Hair Mania, Sempre Bella Beauty Salon, Pebbles Restaurant, Elysian Beauty Salon and Smuggler’s Cave Restaurant. We would like to take the time to thank them all for all their support.

Special thanks goes to all those who participated on and behind stage and the general public who have always given OASI Foundation their support and appreciation. Thank you all for helping once again and for the 22nd time to make Riflessi Sajfin 2013 the success that it was!

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The Group of OASI Volunteers organised a very successful seminar which was held at Manresa.

'Communication in its many forms'  was the subject covered. Psychologist Mr. Laner Cassar led two sessions in the morning and then Katerina Thome followed through with a session ' Relaxation and Stress through the Breath'.

Both sessions were interesting and informative. OASI would like to thank Mr Cassar and Ms Thome for their time and their presence during these sessions.


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Each year on the 26th of June the world celebrates the International Day against Drugs promoted annually by the United Nations. But this same date is also OASI Foundation Day in Gozo, this OASI celebrates its 22nd Anniversary.

To commemorate this event, on the 26th of June, activities were held exclusively for current and past OASI service users. Then on Sunday, the 30th of June, at the St. Michael’s Hall of the OASI premises, the Bishop of Gozo, Mgr Mario Grech assisted by the Director General of the OASI Foundation, Fr. Emmanuel Cordina and Mgr. Carm Farrugia, Assistant Director of Caritas, celebrated the Holy Eucharist as a thanksgiving service.

Mgr Mario Grech emphasised that OASI has evolved throughout these 22 years thanks to the determination and aspiration of the founder, Fr. Emmanuel Cordina and the willpower of the clients who willingly sought help in order to overcome their problems. He enphasised that while it is positive that the civil authorities continue to support OASI financially they must enhance their willful efforts to bring to accountability those persons who are constantly threathening and robbing the lives of the weak members of our society.

Present for this celebration were the Board of Directors, the Minister for Gozo, Dr Anton Refalo, members of Parliament, staff, volunteers, benefactors, clients and their families.

The OASI Award presented by the OASI Director General this year went to the Gozo Diocese, Microsoft Malta & Exigy and to Mr. Joseph V. Refalo Jr and Mr. Noel Xerri, whose made it possible for OASI to improve its ICT performance. Afterwards everyone present joined in to socialise together with food and refreshments.

22 Years of Continuous and Caring Activity Throughout its existence, OASI has always believed that Prevention is better than cure. While OASI is mostly associated with problems related to addiction, its field of work is wider than one may think. In fact it has been very couragious to create alternative edutainment activities for all generation to keep them out of the mess of substance abuse. It has helped thousands of children, youths and adults alike.

Through its wide spectrum of caring services operated from its headquarters in Gozo OASI reached out to its service users coming from Malta and Gozo, who represent a cross-section of the whole leader scale of society. OASI made its stronghold in its educational and preventive program in all schools in Gozo.

Each year it reaches out to all students from an early stage at their primary level into the post-secondary level of their education, supporting them along the way with its preventive activities. In the last 12 months, 3641 children and youths benefitted from its preventive program apart several parental skills sessions and the various interventions on local and national radio and television stations. To these one has to add the Foundation’s official magazine, with its valuable informative and educational articles, distributed to all the households in Gozo.

The most acknowledged OASI activity is its treatment & rehabilitation program based on the 12 Steps of AA, where thousands of persons suffering from intensive addiction problems have found a multidisciplinary team of dedicated professionals ready to assist them in their recovery from their addiction be it from drugs, alcohol or any other dependency.

Last year some 289 individuals benefited from the OASI intensive residential and outpatients therapeutic services, 38% of which are Gozitans.

All services are provided free of charge. Those who want to support OASI Foundation may send their contribution to the Director General, OASI Centre, 5, Triq Wied Sara, Victoria VCT2963, Gozo.


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The OASI Foundation was funded in Gozo on the 26th June 1991. Three main departments work around the clock in order to provide our community with services related to the prevention, intervention and treatment of substance abuse and addiction.

OASI said that this means that its main priorities are to ensure that the general public is fully informed about the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs, to provide counselling services to those who are going through a crisis which could lead to substance abuse and to implement a program which is dedicated to those who have fallen victims to addiction.

OASI’s motto is ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’ so part of the Primary Prevention department’s work is to create awareness to students from the age of Year 1 to Post-Secondary Schools in all schools in Gozo both public and church schools.

In the scholastic year that is coming to an end, the officers of the Primary Prevention have met 656 students in Primary Level, 710 in secondary level and 77 in Post-Secondary. So as one can see it has been quite a buzzing year here in the Prevention Department.

With recent research confirming that drug abuse is on the increase, and that the age of abusers is always decreasing, we believe that Prevention services may help to fight against these numbers, trying to keep victims of drug abuse, and addiction as low as possible.

If someone needs the help of the OASI Foundation or needs some information, one can call on 21563333 and there one will be directed to the service needed.

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