Nhar l-Erbgħa 26 ta’ Ġunju l-Fondazzjoni OASI iċċelebrat it-33 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha. Waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ din il-ġurnata d-Diretturi tal-Fondazzjoni, kif ukoll il-Kap Eżekuttiv għaddew il-messaġġ tagħhom.. Barra minn hekk Dr Alfred Grech għoġbu jaqsam magħna żewġ poeżiji li kiteb hu stess għall-okkazzjoni. Fl-aħħar ġew mogħtija ukoll xi rikonoxximenti lil nies li kienu ta’ sapport… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Press Releases
OASI’s Feedback on the proposed Drug Reform
The OASI Foundation has been working in the field of addiction for 33 years. The following feedback on the proposed Drug Reform is provided following a thorough review of academic research, discussions with the Foundation’s professional employees and feedback from our beneficiaries. The OASI Foundation is not against those persons who use drugs but… Read more »
Stqarrija maħruġa mill-Fondazzjoni Oasi, Caritas Malta u the Church Schools Association and the Secretariat for Catholic Education
Stqarrija maħruġa mill- Fondazzjoni Oasi, Caritas Malta u the Church Schools Association and the Secretariat for Catholic Education dwar il-firxa tal-HHC. Biex taqra l-istqarrija għafas hawnhekk. For the English version of the press release click here.
Jump For Life (2nd ed.)
To encourage and support those who need to make that jump to improve their life by asking for help – that was the aim behind the second edition of Jump for Life organised by the OASI Foundation on the 30th of December at Xlendi Bay. This idea was brought forward by a person who… Read more »
Diskors mill-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni OASI
Il-Fondazzjoni Oasi esprimiet it-tħassib tagħha għall-fatt li l-użu tad-droga fil-pubbliku “qed jiġi normalizzat” u li f’Malta kiber “b’mod esaġerat” l-ammont ta’ persuni li jpejpu l-kannabis fil-pubbliku. Dan intqal mill-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni Noel Xerri waqt seduta tal-Kumitat Permanenti għall-Affarijiet ta’ Għawdex. Għall-iktar informazzjoni dwar id-diskors tista’ taqra hawnhekk. Press Coverage: Newsbook
OASI Cup Run and Fun Walk 2023
The ninth edition of the OASI Cup Run & Fun Walk was held on Sunday 1st of October 2023. The event was organised by the OASI Foundation. Sport is scientifically proven to be a healthy way to improve mental health, to relax, to improve self-confidence and socialise. The OASI Foundation strongly believes that this, in… Read more »
Diskors mill-Kap Eżekuttiv is-Sur Noel Xerri fil-konferenza ,’It-Tfal u l-Addiction’
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 7 ta’ Lulju, l-Fondazzjoni OASI tellgħet konferenza bl-isem ,’It-Tfal u l-Addiction’ taħt il-Patroċinju ta’ E.T. It-Tabib George Vella President ta’ Malta. Il-Kap Eżekuttiv, Is-Sur Noel Xerri għadda l-messaġġ tiegħu f’din l-okkazzjoni. Biex wieħed jaqra id-diskors jista’ jagħfas hawnhekk.
Jum l-OASI 2023
Press Release – Jum l-OASI 2023 Fid-diskors għall-okkażjoni ta’ Jum l-OASI, il-Kap Eżekuttiv, is-Sur Noel Xerri, għamel referenza għall-ħidma li wetqet tal-Fondazzjoni OASI fl-2022. Huwa rrimarka li l-OASI kellha ‘l fuq minn 300 talbiet mingħand persuni li għandhom diffikultajiet ta’ addiction u ‘l fuq minn 200 persuna rċevew terapija residenzjali jew fil-komunità’. Huwa semma… Read more »
OASI CupRun and Fun Walk- Press Release
Press ReleaseThe eighth edition of the OASI Cup Run & Fun Walk was held on Sunday 2nd of October 2022. The event was organised by the OASI Foundation. Sport is scientifically proven to be a healthy way to improve mental health, to relax, to improve self-confidence and socialise. The OASI Foundation strongly believes that this,… Read more »
The ninth edition of Youths4Youths was held today Thursday 15th of September 2022. The event as per pervious years has been organised by the OASI Foundation in collaboration with HSBC foundation.The OASI Foundation main focus is the overall well-being of citizens in Malta and Gozo. Keeping children healthy and exposing them to healthy activities through… Read more »