Nhar it-18 ta’ Mejju waqt il-Konferenza Nazzjonali; ‘Ix-Xogħol…u l-Addiction?’, waqt id-diskors tiegħu, il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni OASI, Is-Sur Noel Xerri għamel referenza għall-statistika li ħarget minn informazzjoni demografika minn dawk il-persuni li għamlu kuntatt mal-Fondazzjoni fl-2021 fejn turi b’mod ċar li l-addiction qiegħda fl-istrata kollha tas-soċjeta tagħna.Għad-diskors kollu li intqal mill-Kap Eżekuttiv, wieħed jista jagħfas hawn.Press… Read more »
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Common Fears in Recovery
Being afraid it a natural instinct, we all experience fear. Most active addicts will contemplate recovery as this is something new to them, and with new things, comes along new challenges, new obstacles, new fears and what ifs’. Fear is a sign that you are ready to meet the unknown and face a new life… Read more »
OASI Foundation lecture for professionals on long term-recovery
OASI Foundation organised a lecture at its premises by Jonathan Fog on’ Self Groups- A long term recovery tool’ which was open to all professionals in the field.Jonathan Fong is the Chief Operating Officer and Finance Officer for an outpatient clinic in California which specialises in addiction and mental health treatment and primary medicine. His… Read more »