The OASI Foundation has been working in the field of addiction for 33 years. The following feedback on the proposed Drug Reform is provided following a thorough review of academic research, discussions with the Foundation’s professional employees and feedback from our beneficiaries. The OASI Foundation is not against those persons who use drugs but… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Drugs
“Sodisfazzjon meta tara tfal jirritornaw lura ma’ ommhom li kellha vizzju tad-droga”
Dan kien kliem is-Sur Noel Xerri waqt intervista ma’ fejn tkellem ftit dwar is-sena 2023 għall-Fondazzjoni OASI: xi sfidi u kif ukoll mumenti ta’ sodisfazzjoni. Għalaq ukoll din l-intervitsa b’ messaġġ ta’ kuraġġ għall-dawk li għandhom bżonn xi forma t’għajnuna biex ma jiddejqux jagħmlu dik il-qabża f’ħajjithom Tista’ taqra l-artiklu kollu billi tagħfas… Read more »
Diskors mill-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni OASI
Il-Fondazzjoni Oasi esprimiet it-tħassib tagħha għall-fatt li l-użu tad-droga fil-pubbliku “qed jiġi normalizzat” u li f’Malta kiber “b’mod esaġerat” l-ammont ta’ persuni li jpejpu l-kannabis fil-pubbliku. Dan intqal mill-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni Noel Xerri waqt seduta tal-Kumitat Permanenti għall-Affarijiet ta’ Għawdex. Għall-iktar informazzjoni dwar id-diskors tista’ taqra hawnhekk. Press Coverage: Newsbook
OASI Day 2022
OASI Foundation31 Years of Continuous ActivityWhat is happening in Europe is happening at our doorstep. This was the message of OASI Foundation Chief Executive on the 31st anniversary of the Foundation.The 26th of June is the International Day against Drugs, but this same date is also a special day for the OASI Foundation in Gozo…. Read more »
Co-morbidity: Mental Illness and Addiction
On the 25th March a lecture was held by OASI Foundation, entitled ‘Co- morbidity: Mental illness and Addiction’. Psychiatrists Dr Chantelle Azzopardi and Dr Joseph Fenech gave further insight during this event, on a variety of mental illnesses together with their relationship with addiction and vice versa. The lecture was well-attended with participants all hailing… Read more »
Explaining Current Drug Use Trends
A number of experts in the field of addiction, including OASI CE Noel Xerri, were interviewed on the changing trends in the use of different drugs, following the publishing of the National Report on the Drug Situation in Malta for 2020. You can read the interview here.
Appeal to the Chairperson of the Petition Committee on Petitions as to Not to Disregard the Guidelines and to Ask the Committee to Meet to Consider the Proposed Amendments by 56 Entities
We would like to draw the attention of all the media that as of this morning, 14 December at 10am, we have not received any reply to our letter to Hon. Joe Mizzi and the members of the petitions committee of Parliament to close the petition proposing amendments to the cannabis law so that they… Read more »
OASI Foundation and Caritas Malta express their concern about the reformed cannabis bill
In a joint statement, OASI Foundation and Caritas Malta expressed their concerns about the cannabis reformed bill. You can read the article here.Times of Malta
Drug Dependence
What happens during drug dependence and what are the leading factors? There are in fact several factors which contribute to substance dependence, including societal, biological, environmental factors, age of first use, and family history, just to name a few. In this article however, the main focus will be the biological factor, more specifically, what happens… Read more »
Facts and myths of drugs
Nowadays whenever anyone wants to look up something, we have the Internet which easily accessed due to the advances technology has made. While this is a good thing, it can also lead to some misinformation to someone who does not look through the information properly and this is something which occurs a lot with addiction… Read more »