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Representatives from Norway, Romania, Uzbekistan and Italy had an eventful week learning about the various services offered in Gozo. Among other places, they visited the OASI Foundation where they discussed drug and alcohol addiction and what are the services and help offered by the Foundation. Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana joined in the discussion and expressed her gratitude to the work carried out by the Foundation.

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The OASI Foundation of Gozo, the Naxxar Local Council and Villa Arrigo, organized a National Conference under the Patronage of President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.  The topic covered in today’s conference was – Women and Addiction – Is the World of Addiction a Sexist One?

The President in her message stated that stakeholders need to have more information so as to have a better picture of the realities being faced by Maltese society. “There also needs to be less obstacles for women to find the help they need,” she said.

A number of professionals spoke about their experiences. The primary speaker, Prof. Marilyn Clark, said that women face different difficulties in regards to experiences of addiction and treatment.

She also indicated the gender gap for drug use has practically vanished. “There are various difficulties which hinder women seeking to stop using drugs more than men in the same position – these include social attitudes towards women,” said Prof. Clark.

During the first panel, Dr. Jeffrey Bonnici, who works at the Emergency Department at Mater Dei Hospital, said that people who entered the Emergency Department with issues related to recreational drug use is continuously increasing, and there is no statistical difference in relation to the drugs used by men and women.

Inspector Joseph Busuttil commented that it is difficult to gather statistics about women and addiction, as they fear that by reporting drug use they will criminalise themselves. “The only sector where a person can have an idea of the actual reality is through prostitution,” he said.

In the second panel, Dr Anna Maria Vella discussed how crucial it is to have something for women by women. She also mentioned that at times, women see prostitution as the only means to get money for drugs, even though they still end up without money.

Dr Alosia Camilleri, a psychiatrist explained that the amount of mental health problems between men and women is rather similar. The difference is what kind of mental illness they have.

She also mentioned that women face more barriers in facing treatment and getting out of this vicious cycle.

Dr Mariella Mangion talked about the problems babies face, whose mothers used drugs, and also the long term effects.

Mr Noel Xerri, Chief Executive of the OASI Foundation, emphasised how essential it is to note that there is still a lot of abuse and a lot of work needs to be done in order to achieve a better situation.

Finally Naxxar mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adam ended the conference, saying that the Naxxar local council understands the importance of social help and the NGOs, saying that it is also willing to help other non-governmental organisations. The conference was presented by Amanda Ciappara.

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On Sunday 24th June 2018, to commemorate the OASI Foundation’s 27th anniversary from its official opening in 1991, on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse, a Thanksgiving Function was held at the OASI Centre.

In a speech on behalf of the Board of Directors, Mr. Joseph Borg stated that Fr. Emmanuel Cordina has passed the baton to Mr. Noel Xerri, who is now the Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation. Fr. Cordina will continue to be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. Mr. Borg thanked Fr. Cordina for dedicating his life to the benefit of others. He expressed the trust the Board of Directors has in Mr. Xerri, who will be taking the Foundation forward into a world where problems relating to addiction are becoming more frequent and complex. Mr. Borg stated that talks of recreational use of drugs is muddling the minds of youths and they are feeling disoriented, leaving them more prone to addiction, as expressed by experts in the field during a National Conference held last year. Next Tuesday, OASI will be participating in another National Conference, alongside Sedqa and Caritas, to be held in Parliament, and will be asserting its positions on this National stage, as is our duty. Mr. Borg expects the leaders of the country to take note of this message and act accordingly. He also thanked OASI staff and volunteers for their dedication to the Foundation, the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity and the Ministry for Gozo for their continuous help, and past and present members of the Board of Directors for their support. Mr. John Magro, another member of the Board of Directors, presented OASI Awards to Lucy Stevenson, Jofy Mainzer and Margaret McMullan for their dedication and hard work throughout the years.

Present were Hon. Dr. Justyne Caruana, Minister for Gozo and Hon. Dr. Chris Said, Opposition spokesperson for Gozo Affairs, who gave short speeches, agreeing that OASI is a Gozitan Foundation providing a national service, expressed their concern regarding the current mentality and drug availability, and showed solidarity with the Foundation’s work and position.

Afterwards a reception was held at the OASI Centre.

Leading up to this event, the OASI Foundation also worked in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo to organize activities to raise awareness about drug use. These included information sessions and outreach to increase people's awareness of the social realities in Malta and Gozo, as well as the dissemination of informative material.  Ministry staff and persons with a disability attending the Santa Marta Centre decorated the Xewkija roundabout with a message against drug abuse.

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Three representatives from the OASI Foundation, attended to a symposium in Brussels entitled, 'Europe's Action Plan on Drugs: Cooperation and Collaboration for the Reduction of Demand and Supply. The aim behind this symposium was to discuss the latest challenges and consider the necessary steps forward to win the battle against illicit drug trafficking and substance abuse in Europe.


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Last June, after that the Foundation’s Director General and Founder exposed publicly his opinion on the proposal of the political parties to discuss the legalisation of Cannabis for recreational and therapeutic purposes, staff, volunteers and present & past service users at OASI Foundation, also concerned about the underhanded way the subject matter regarding the Legalisation of Cannabis for Recreational Use is being publicly and politically handled declare, that:

While cannabis recreational usage is ostensibly being excused by the argument that certain people, suffering from certain conditions, could personally benefit from its use, consequently this justifies its legalisation and easy access on the open market even for recreational use. Such a rationale is defective and deviates into a perilous path to follow. We are well aware that derivatives from various natural products have always, through laboratory exploration and proper tests, been produced and made available, under control, for treatment of various medical conditions. Modern medicine is rich in such occurrences and we believe that cannabinoids derivatives could also be produced in a similar serious, medical setting and professional manner.

OASI Foundation’s concern relates to the negative health effects steps to unrestrained legalized moodaltering substances may have on our children’s future quality of life and that of our society at large. The following are our main concerns:

  1. Legalization of Cannabis use is a foreboding subject matter that requests first and foremost to be exposed for discussion amongst credited professionals and their clients/patients. These, through their social, psychological and physio-biological professional research, data, and experience should lead the direction of discussions and decision making on a public and political platform.
  2. Professionals in this field have had to deal with too many persons who, in their pre or early teens, started off smoking nicotine and consuming alcohol (both legal drugs) to end up taking a downward spiral into addiction, ruining their lives, that of their families and affecting society at large. Legalizing cannabis will intensify further this downward spiral.
  3. If smoking and alcohol are being severely discouraged nowadays, wouldn’t it be foolish to legalise other toxic or mood altering substances?
  4. We at OASI are aware of the misleading perception and mind-set that, as long as a person does not make use of heroin, there is no harm done in smoking cannabis or doing a line of cocaine every now and then. Therefore, the false justification follows, as cannabis does not kill physically, there is no harm done in its free use. Notwithstanding all this, it is common knowledge that smoking cannabis kills emotions and feelings towards oneself and others and thus risks the well-being of the user and society at large.
  5. Rather than legalizing drugs, the state should be more proactive in asking why our new generations are in this critical situation of choosing escapism instead of facing realities. The Education, Health and Social Ministries should therefore take up their responsibilities and truly lead by example to divert and invest their resources, human and financial, to do the required research and present academic solutions towards the understanding of the reasons behind such a thoughtless use of uncontrolled mood-altering substances simply to get an artificial good feeling in their lives.
  6. We feel that legalization, will be interpreted that there is no harm for a person to do marijuana – in all its forms and modes of ingestion, something which is obviously wrong. On the contrary, society, through those responsible for its good administering, has the responsibility to protect persons from myriad forms of poverty which cannabis can lead to. This should be done also, out of justice towards those who work and strive so hard to sustain our present and future generations through their vocational profession and their financial contributions towards the coffers of the state.

The above concerns are not merely based on our personal or organisational experiences but also on worldwide empirical studies as those referred to underneath.

Links of research:

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OASI Foundation in collaboration with HSBC Malta Foundation, has organised the 5th edition of Youths 4 Youths. The aim behind this is to target Gozitan children and help them socialise with others through edutainment activities, while also providing a safe and healthy learning environment.

This activity would also help children ultimately to view OASI not only as an institution but as a safe place where people can seek help if they should ever be involved in any social problem. 

A group of children from the NGO Tgħanniqa Bormla, a group from YMCA and another group from Qalb ta' Ġesu Bormla were also invited to join together with a large number of Gozitans.

The activity involved a tour around the Government's Experimental Farm in Xewkija, a BBQ at the OASI premises and games for all children that were present. 

This event was once again a huge success, with both children and carers having a great time while gaining invaluable knowledge.

The OASI Foundation would like to thank the HSBC Malta Foundation for the sponsorship as without their help, such an activity would not be possible.


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Today 5th July, OASI Foundation and the Local Councils of Floriana, Mosta and Naxxar organized a National Conference under the Distinct Patronage of H.E Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, with the title ‘Illum Jien, Għada Int ... Id-Droga wara Biebna!”   The Conference that was held at the Mosta Local Council was moderated by Dr. Corazon Mizzi.

In her opening speech H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, The President of Malta mentioned that it is important that the issue of drugs should always be placed at the forefront of the national agenda.  She emphasised that more research should be done on this issue and persons who are experiencing any kind of dependency should be consulted.

The first panel was made up of Dr Robert Chircop ,an Emergency Physician & Clinical Toxicologist, Ms. Pauline Miceli ,a Commissioner for Children and Mr. Dennis Theuma, a Assistant Commissioner.

The second Panel was made up of Dr. Anna Maria Vella who is the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, Fr. Hilary Tagliaferro ,the Founder of the Millennium Chapel, Mr. Godwin Sammut a Forensic Scientist and Ms. Daniela Bugeja from the Anti Substance Abuse Service.

The audience was an active participant in the National Conference, and included representatives from diverse fields, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, educators, persons working with youths and students.  The conference was also addressed by the Mayors of the Local Councils and Fr. Emmanuel Cordina ,the General Director of the OASI Foundation closed the conference , where he emphasised the importance of discussing this topic before the introduction of new laws.

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A Thanksgiving Celebration was held at OASI Centre to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the OASI Foundation.

The Minister for Gozo, Justyne Caruana, in her address for the occasion, praised the commitment with which the OASI Foundation managed to integrate into today's dynamic society to help individuals who encounter problems due to addiction. 

Present for this commemoration were members of the board of directors, staff, volunteers, benefactors, clients and their families.

The Foundation provides all its services free of charge.

Anyone wishing to support the foundation may send a donation to the director-general, Oasi Centre, 5, Triq Wied Sara, Victoria VCT2963.

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The Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit of the OASI Foundation, during 2016, catered for 205 persons with an addiction problem. Of these clients, 64 benefitted from a residential program and collectively made use of 2,568 bed nights. 95% of the residents making use of the OASI services are residents from Malta, while the rest come from Gozo. The OASI Residential Addiction Treatment Programme is a very intensive one based on the 12 Steps of AA, tailored for local needs on the Minnesota Model. This treatment method comprises an intensive residential therapy period of 8 weeks to 12 weeks, according to the individual’s requirement, followed by a tapering aftercare support on outpatient basis.

Besides residential treatment, OASI offers also the same 12 Steps therapeutic programme to clients on outpatients basis, through which persons who, for various reasons may not be able to attend a residential programme, such as residents from Gozo who have a good family support, mothers with young children or pregnant women. During 2016, 141 clients benefitted from this outpatient services which included session related to Outreach, Motivation, Continued Care and Aftercare.

This information was reported during the Annual General Meeting of the OASI Foundation, held last Sunday 19th March. For OASI this was the 2nd Annual General Meeting after that it had registered a new statute for the organisation that will assist it to manage its mission better in the present and future social conditions.

Besides the treatment given to addicted clients, the programme offers also individual and family group sessions on a weekly basis to family members and other persons significant to the clients in treatment. The latter service has the objective of helping people related to the clients in treatment to improve their understanding of addiction, to release their tension and frustrations and thus expectantly prepare them to provide a better quality of support to their loved ones once they leave treatment and start their social re-integration towards continued recovery.


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On Saturday, the OASI Foundation's Primary Prevention Team held the 25th edition of the annual open- air festival Riflessi Sajfin, at Marsalforn Gozo.

The three hour festival presented by Joe d- Dulli & Veronica was a huge success, with a variety of artists performing on stage and with hundreds of Gozitian, Maltese and foreigners attending the event.

A number of new performers and other established singers and dancers were given the opportunity to perform this year such as: Julie Pomorski, Sarah Bonnici, Centre Stage, Albert-Lauren Agius, Alegria and many more.

A big thanks goes to all the sponsors  who have made this event possible, namely: Main Sponsors Malta Tourism Authority. As well as other sponsors – KPMG, General Soft Drinks, Arkadia, Farsons Foundation, APS Bank, Camilleri Group, Smugglers Cave, Paradise Bay Resort Hotel, Downtown Hotel, Hotel Ta' Cenc & Spa, The Grand Hotel, Captain Morgan Cruises, Harmony Skin Clinic, Kazin tal-Banda Santa Marija, Brookies Restaurant, Pebbles Restaurant, Pergola Club Hotel & Spa, Downtown Restaurant, Ta' Dirjanu, Gelati Granola, Bargate Bookshop & Health & Beauty Fitness Spa. 

Special thanks go to all OASI volunteers for their organisational support. Thankyou all for helping once again and for the 25th time to make Riflessi Sajfin 2016 the success that it was!

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