A number of experts in the field of addiction, including OASI CE Noel Xerri, were interviewed on the changing trends in the use of different drugs, following the publishing of the National Report on the Drug Situation in Malta for 2020. You can read the interview here.
Posts Tagged: Cocaine
Interview With Chris Bonnici About OASI And Its Work
Chris Bonnici from the Primary Prevention Team was recently interviewed by Newsbook about OASI’s work in the community, the basis of the treatment for addiction offered, and how the pandemic has affected the Foundation and those who seek its help. You can watch the interview on Newsbook.
The Rising Use of Crack Cocaine in Malta
A recent interview with social workers working in the field of addiction, including OASI CE Noel Xerri, focused on the rise in the use of crack cocaine in Malta and its effects. The interview also looked into how people report starting to use cocaine, and the differences between the use and effects of cocaine powder… Read more »
OASI Foundation Operations 2019
The OASI Foundation continued to experience an increase in people who used its services due to drug-related problems that are considered recreational.The Foundation’s Therapy Team works with over 200 cases a year. In 2019, 44% had problems directly related to cocaine use, while 25% asked for help due to alcohol-related difficulties and 9% due to… Read more »
The Recreative Menace
The OASI Foundation has been operating int the field of addiction since 1991. We have noticed several changes in drug use scene and related trends, for which we have responded in our prevention strategies and treatment modalities to cater for such needs.The National focal point (NFP) in its National Report on the Drug Situation in… Read more »
OASI Representatives attend symposium on drug abuse/trafficking
Three representatives from the OASI Foundation, attended to a symposium in Brussels entitled, ‘Europe’s Action Plan on Drugs: Cooperation and Collaboration for the Reduction of Demand and Supply. The aim behind this symposium was to discuss the latest challenges and consider the necessary steps forward to win the battle against illicit drug trafficking and substance… Read more »
Illum Jien,Għada Int…Id-Droga Wara Biebna
Today 5th July, OASI Foundation and the Local Councils of Floriana, Mosta and Naxxar organized a National Conference under the Distinct Patronage of H.E Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, with the title ‘Illum Jien, Għada Int … Id-Droga wara Biebna!” The Conference that was held at the Mosta Local Council was moderated by… Read more »