Nhar il-Ġimgħa 5 ta’ Lulju ,il-Fondazzjoni OASI organizzat Konferenza Nazzjonali taħt il-Patroċinju Distint tal-Eċċellenza Tagħha ,Myriam Spiteri Debono, President ta’ Malta fejn ġie diskuss is-suġġett tal-Familja u l-Addiction. Nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha preżenti u lill-kelliema tal-ħin u id-diskors u diskussjonijiet ferm interessanti li inħolqu. Press Release Kliem tal-Kap Eżekuttiv, Is-Sur Noel Xerri Press Coverage: NewsBook
Posts Tagged: Mental Health
Co-morbidity: Mental Illness and Addiction
On the 25th March a lecture was held by OASI Foundation, entitled ‘Co- morbidity: Mental illness and Addiction’. Psychiatrists Dr Chantelle Azzopardi and Dr Joseph Fenech gave further insight during this event, on a variety of mental illnesses together with their relationship with addiction and vice versa. The lecture was well-attended with participants all hailing… Read more »
Explaining Current Drug Use Trends
A number of experts in the field of addiction, including OASI CE Noel Xerri, were interviewed on the changing trends in the use of different drugs, following the publishing of the National Report on the Drug Situation in Malta for 2020. You can read the interview here.
How the Environment Effects Mental Health
It is surprising how our surroundings can leave an impact on our mental health. When we think of mental health, automatically we think of craziness, insanity, madness, and so on, just because of the word mental in the phrase. However, we fail to see that mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It… Read more »
Medicinal Cannabis… Myth or Miracle?
Substance use is becoming more and more normalised, where society’s approach towards drug use is changing quite fast. This abruptness by which societal change takes place does not always ripple down into properly informed individuals. The use of medicinal cannabis has been a controversial topic which raises a lot of questions and concerns.To help increase… Read more »
Eating Disorders: What Are They?
Eating disorders are increasingly on the rise. This is worrying as studies show that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 who suffer from anorexia are 10 times at risk of dying compared to their same-aged peers. These disorders may unfortunately not be taken seriously which only brings despair, anger and frustration on… Read more »
Date-Rape Drugs
Imagine you are partying and you drink only so much alcohol, however you have an inclination that something is wrong. Something just doesn’t feel right. You remember that you left your drink unattended for some time. Someone might have slipped in any substance in it, and now you’re experiencing some signs that you may have… Read more »
Bullying… a term we hear often, and mostly associate it with young children or unruly teenagers. What is bullying and why does it happen? Bullying can be defined as unwanted, repeated behaviour which can have long lasting problems for both the bully and the person being bullied. Bullying includes actions such as threatening, embarrassing someone… Read more »
Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives – In Memory Of…
The 26th of June commemorates the Word Day Against Drugs and Illicit Trafficking. This day has been established by the United Nations, with the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) director issuing a message each year to direct efforts related to the eradication of substance abuse and illicit trafficking. The motto for this year… Read more »
Formal Feedback on the White Paper – Towards the Strengthening of the Legal Framework on the Responsible Use of Cannabis
DisclaimerOASI Foundation is not against the person who uses any kind of psychoactive substances.OASI Foundation does not agree with the use of any psychoactive substances for the socialization, relaxation or feel-good purposes.OASI Foundation has been promoting healthy and natural approaches and methods to gain satisfaction, relaxation and long-term life enjoyment rather than reverting to drugs… Read more »