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Imagine you are partying and you drink only so much alcohol, however you have an inclination that something is wrong. Something just doesn’t feel right. You remember that you left your drink unattended for some time. Someone might have slipped in any substance in it, and now you’re experiencing some signs that you may have been drugged.

This situation is not uncommon. When it happens, the act of taking drugs in that situation does not remain a choice. Anyone can slip something into your drink that can potentially harm you. It could be someone you know or indeed a stranger.

There are several substances out there that can cause a person to pass out. There drugs are often referred to as date-rape drugs because they are mostly used by people who want to get their victims to lose control and sexually exploit them. Most commonly, these drugs include GHB, ketamine and ecstasy. Upon consumption, the victim loses the ability to fight back and with certain drugs, may also find difficulty remembering what has been done.

These drugs can quite easily be added to a drink as they are often tasteless, odourless and colourless, thus the victim might not sense that something is wrong when drinking the spiked beverage. The victim might only realise this when they start feeling the symptoms. These drugs act fast and manage to leave the system quickly, thus unless reported immediately, an investigation may be hard to carry out. As mentioned before, these substances will also affect the victim’s memory and it might be difficult for them to remember specific details about what had happened or the person who assaulted them. This contributes to the difficulty of identifying the perpetrator.

As difficult as it is to notice if your drink has been drugged and to identify who has done it, there are some ways that will ensure safety. To ensure your own safety, avoid drinking from a bottle that you have not opened yourself. Avoid drinking from a drink that is being passed around and if someone offers you a drink, do not take it. Instead insist on getting your own and watch it being poured. Contrary to the short anecdote above, avoid leaving your drink unattended at all times, and if you do happen to leave it unattended, throw it out. Never mix drugs and alcohol and see whether you and your friends could watch out periodically for each other.

Some signs that you may have drunk a spiked drink include feeling drunk or tipsy even if you have not had any alcohol, waking up with a hangover or memory lapse, if your clothes are not on right and your reflexes have gone limp. If this happens call the police and be honest about your activities. Remember that nothing justifies sexual assault. Go for a check up and try to preserve as much evidence as possible by not showering or changing clothes. If you have gone through a similar traumatic event and would like to seek help, make sure you do so. Help is only a call away.