Dealing with Loss and Grief

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When someone we love passes away or we lose something very dear to us, we are gripped by great sorrow and go through many uncomfortable emotions. We may even convince ourselves that the pain and sorrow associated with loss will never go away.These are very normal reactions that one experiences in case of loss. It… Read more »

OASI Meeting with Standing Committee for Gozo Affairs

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The OASI Foundation was invited to attend a meeting of the Standing Committee for Gozo Affairs to discuss the impact that Covid-19 is having on our beneficiaries and services.  A recording of the meeting can be listened to on the Parliament website. More information can be found in this article by Hon. Dr. Justyne Caruana, Chairperson of… Read more »

Denial is the Greatest Enemy of the Truth

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Denial is the greatest enemy of the truth;It puts you in a bubble and cuts you off completely from reality;Makes you extremely sensitive to the least important thing;Whilst continuing to seek attention endlessly! I lived my life with very low esteem. I was bullied, cut myself to physically relieve myself from anxiety, negative emotions, self-hate, loneliness… Read more »

6 Subtle Signs You Have an Anger Problem

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Anger is a normal human emotion, and can be beneficial in the right context. For example, righteous anger can help us defend ourselves from other people. Unfortunately, inappropriate and frequent episodes of anger can undermine your relationships, career, and health. Shouting, swearing, and throwing objects are all obvious signs of pathological anger, but did you know it’s possible… Read more »

Debate on Cannabis for So-Called ‘Recreational’ Use

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Caritas Malta, Sedqa, the OASI Foundation and the Maltese Association of Psychiatry are in agreement that:There needs to be more sensitivity towards persons who use cannabis.The Law of 2015 – Drug Dependence (Treatment Not Imprisonment) Act – was an effective law and a step forward so that those persons caught with small amounts [of drugs]… Read more »

Healthy Living

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Coronavirus (Covid-19) is an infectious disease that has limited our daily activities and confined us to our homes. For some, this dramatic change in lifestyle can be tough and isolating. Those of us who enjoyed going about their daily business, now find themselves stuck at home. We all eagerly await the news that this new… Read more »

A Reflection … A Woman … A Mother

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The following story is a true refection of a young, married woman, who with no fault of hers, found herself in a situation where her husband became a victim of alcohol and drug abuse. She tries to find a reason and searches for help and a solution to the problem. When one reads the story… Read more »

Drugs…and Mental Health? Reality, Health and Prevention

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Today, 18th June, the OASI Foundation together with the Naxxar Local Council organized a National Conference under the Distinct Patronage of H.E. Dr. George Vella, President of Malta, with the title Drugs…and Mental Health? Reality, Health and Prevention.  The conference was held at Villa Arrigo and was moderated by Mr. Clifford Galea.Hon. Dr. Michael Falzon,… Read more »

Fitness Class 2019

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The Bern Hersey’s Fitness Club organised a special class at the Sacred Heart Seminary Fitness Centre in aid of the OASI Foundation. More than 80 people attended the one-hour session, during which they were given fitness intelligence guidelines by Leo. The aim of the activity is in line with the OASI Foundation’s preventive approach: sport and… Read more »

The OASI Foundation’s Official Stand Regarding Legalisation of Cannabis

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Last June, after that the Foundation’s Director General and Founder exposed publicly his opinion on the proposal of the political parties to discuss the legalisation of Cannabis for recreational and therapeutic purposes, staff, volunteers and present & past service users at OASI Foundation, also concerned about the underhanded way the subject matter regarding the Legalisation of Cannabis for… Read more »