Co-morbidity: Mental Illness and Addiction

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On the 25th March a lecture was held by OASI Foundation, entitled ‘Co- morbidity: Mental illness and Addiction’. Psychiatrists Dr Chantelle Azzopardi and Dr Joseph Fenech gave further insight during this event, on a variety of mental illnesses together with their relationship with addiction and vice versa. The lecture was well-attended with participants all hailing… Read more »

Alcohol and Thiamine: What is the connection?

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Thiamine is one essential nutrient needed by the body to convert the foods we eat into energy. It is known as the transformer, which converts carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy for our organs to function. However, thiamine is not produced by the body itself, but rather depends on the foods we consume on a… Read more »

How the Environment Effects Mental Health

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It is surprising how our surroundings can leave an impact on our mental health. When we think of mental health, automatically we think of craziness, insanity, madness, and so on, just because of the word mental in the phrase. However, we fail to see that mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It… Read more »

Youths 4 Youths

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OASI is a non-governmental and not-for- profit organisation with its headquarters in Victoria Gozo. Its operations are deep rooted in the social needs and care of the people with a specific mission to see to the social caring of issues and cases of drug and alcohol abuse and other addictions. The services are open to… Read more »

Eating Disorders: What Are They?

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Eating disorders are increasingly on the rise. This is worrying as studies show that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 who suffer from anorexia are 10 times at risk of dying compared to their same-aged peers. These disorders may unfortunately not be taken seriously which only brings despair, anger and frustration on… Read more »

The 12 Steps 6-12

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       The following are Step 6 to Step 12.  At OASI, these steps are worked with a sponsor or their counselor once a person finishes the residential program. This does not mean that the following steps are of less importance than the first five, in fact, it is highly recommended that recovering addicts continue working… Read more »

The 12 Steps 1-5

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The 12-step recovery program was originally created in the 1930s and its main focus was alcoholism. Since then, the program has been adapted to several types of addictions, including drugs and gambling. AA’s 12-Step approach follows a set of guidelines designed as “steps” towards recovery. Many have found that these steps were not merely a… Read more »

Facts and myths of drugs

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Nowadays whenever anyone wants to look up something, we have the Internet which easily accessed due to the advances technology has made. While this is a good thing, it can also lead to some misinformation to someone who does not look through the information properly and this is something which occurs a lot with addiction… Read more »

Common Fears in Recovery

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Being afraid it a natural instinct, we all experience fear. Most active addicts will contemplate recovery as this is something new to them, and with new things, comes along new challenges, new obstacles, new fears and what ifs’. Fear is a sign that you are ready to meet the unknown and face a new life… Read more »


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The term HALT is a term used in AA and NA and it refers to those things that can negatively impact our recovery and can eventually lead to our relapse. This occurs when someone who has been clean and sober for a while, starts using drugs or alcohol again.Relapsing is a process and a part… Read more »