Jum l-OASI 2023

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  Press Release – Jum l-OASI 2023 Fid-diskors għall-okkażjoni ta’ Jum l-OASI, il-Kap Eżekuttiv, is-Sur Noel Xerri, għamel referenza għall-ħidma li wetqet tal-Fondazzjoni OASI fl-2022. Huwa rrimarka li l-OASI kellha ‘l fuq minn 300 talbiet mingħand persuni li għandhom diffikultajiet ta’ addiction u ‘l fuq minn 200 persuna rċevew terapija residenzjali jew fil-komunità’. Huwa semma… Read more »

Konferenza Dwar il-Ġustizzja Soċjali – 23 ta’ Frar 2023

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Fit-23 ta’ Frar 2023, il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal- OASI u Chairperson ta’ APF Malta, is-Sur Noel Xerri indirizza konferenza fil-Parlament dwar il- faqar u l-ġustizzja soċjali. orġanizzata mill-Onor. Ivan Bartolo.   Għad-diskors li intqal wieħed jista jagħfas hawnhekk.

Project ‘Skema Solidarjeta Mal-Vittmi tad-Droga’

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OASI foundation prides itself on delivering the best services to its service users. Our premises includes counseling rooms and a residential unit where our service users work on their recovery. At our premises we also hold various talks, seminars, and educational sessions. These (as we all know) need constant maintenance and upgrading. To keep such… Read more »

OASI CupRun and Fun Walk- Press Release

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Press ReleaseThe eighth edition of the OASI Cup Run & Fun Walk was held on Sunday 2nd of October 2022. The event was organised by the OASI Foundation. Sport is scientifically proven to be a healthy way to improve mental health, to relax, to improve self-confidence and socialise. The OASI Foundation strongly believes that this,… Read more »

OASI Cup Run and Fun Walk 2022- Kliem tal-Kap Eżekuttiv

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It-tmien edizzjoni tal-OASI Cup Run and Fun Walk 2022 li saret nhar it-2 t’ Ottubru  kienet waħda ta’ suċċess!Nirringrazzjaw lill-kull min kkontribwixxa biex dan l-avveniment annwali jkompli jkun ta’ suċċess. Għad-diskors kollu li intqal mill-Kap Eżekuttiv, wieħed jista jagħfas hawn.


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 The ninth edition of Youths4Youths was held today Thursday 15th of September 2022. The event as per pervious years has been organised by the OASI Foundation in collaboration with HSBC foundation.The OASI Foundation main focus is the overall well-being of citizens in Malta and Gozo. Keeping children healthy and exposing them to healthy activities through… Read more »

Training Seminar: Eating Disorders, Addiction, and Wellbeing.

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Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions characterized by disturbances in eating behaviours and thoughts about food and weight. Eating disorders are not simply a diet or a lifestyle choice, they are serious illnesses that impair psychosocial functioning and physical health. On the 5th and 6th of July 2022 Dar Kenn għal Saħħtek in collaboration… Read more »


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Waqt iċ-ċeremonja ta’ Jum l-OASI li saret nhar is Sibt 25 ta’ Ġunju, Dr Alfred Grech qara waħda mill-poeziji tiegħu bl-isem ‘Sakranazzi’. Biex wieħed ikun jista’ jaqra din il-poezija jista’ jagħfas hawnhekk