The OASI Foundation, Caritas Malta, Sedqa and the Maltese Association of Psychiatry on the Use of Cannabis and Legal Implications

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Here, together, we are issuing this statement as our contribution to the public discussion:Positive Developments:ESPAD (Sedqa, 2019) indicates that 12% of 15-year-olds said that they have tried cannabis in their lives. This rate has remained stable since 2015. In fact, there has been a slight decrease. This rate is much lower than the European average…. Read more »

The Rising Use of Crack Cocaine in Malta

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A recent interview with social workers working in the field of addiction, including OASI CE Noel Xerri, focused on the rise in the use of crack cocaine in Malta and its effects.  The interview also looked into how people report starting to use cocaine, and the differences between the use and effects of cocaine powder… Read more »

UNODC World Drug Report 2020: Global Drug Use Rising; While COVID-19 has Far Reaching Impact on Global Drug Markets

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Vienna (Austria), 25 June 2020 – Around 269 million people used drugs worldwide in 2018, which is 30 per cent more than in 2009,  while over 35 million people suffer from drug use disorders, according to the latest World Drug Report, released today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The Report… Read more »

Message by the UNODC Executive Director on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

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Know more, care more. Addressing the world drug problem requires responses that are based on facts, solidarity and compassion.Some 35.6 million people suffer from drug use disorders globally, according to the World Drug Report 2020 by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).Around 269 million people used drugs in 2018, up 30 per… Read more »

Statement by the Secretary General of the United Nations on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

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Mutual support and trustworthy information have proven to be pillars of responding effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic and saving lives.Cooperation, reliable data and evidence-based action are just as vital to addressing the many challenges posed by the world drug problem, protecting people’s security and realizing the Sustainable Development Goals.This year’s theme of International Day against… Read more »

Too Young – Too Late

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The earlier in life one introduces drugs in his body the larger is the probability that he/she will continue on long term problematic use of drugs, not withstanding the negative consequences that such use may bring along. The harm ranges from social difficulties to conflicts in relationships, involvement with the criminal system, medical complications as… Read more »