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Bullying… a term we hear often, and mostly associate it with young children or unruly teenagers. What is bullying and why does it happen? Bullying can be defined as unwanted, repeated behaviour which can have long lasting problems for both the bully and the person being bullied. Bullying includes actions such as threatening, embarrassing someone… Read more »


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The term HALT is a term used in AA and NA and it refers to those things that can negatively impact our recovery and can eventually lead to our relapse. This occurs when someone who has been clean and sober for a while, starts using drugs or alcohol again.Relapsing is a process and a part… Read more »

Staying Clean and Sober

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Total abstinence refers to complete abstinence from alcohol, drugs or any other substances which alters one’s behaviour. The key word ‘abstinence’ might scare away a lot of people, especially those who are still in the early stages of their recovery. It is normal for both the body and mind, to feel as if you would… Read more »

Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives – In Memory Of…

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The 26th of June commemorates the Word Day Against Drugs and Illicit Trafficking. This day has been established by the United Nations, with the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) director issuing a message each year to direct efforts related to the eradication of substance abuse and illicit trafficking. The motto for this year… Read more »


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Honesty means being aware of the truth. For a person to implement honesty into their life, they need to admit, accept and respond to the truth around them. It is also an essential part of an addict’s recovery process as its effects can help people leading them to a clean and sober lifestyle. In the… Read more »

Stigma- Changing the language of Addiction

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 Stigma is driven by the pejorative words, the labels, that are used to describe us.Until we are seen as people, until we are provided the same respect and dignity as everyone else, we will continue to die.Addiction is far more complex than people make it look like – do you call a person who is… Read more »

Formal Feedback on the White Paper – Towards the Strengthening of the Legal Framework on the Responsible Use of Cannabis

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DisclaimerOASI Foundation is not against the person who uses any kind of psychoactive substances.OASI Foundation does not agree with the use of any psychoactive substances for the socialization, relaxation or feel-good purposes.OASI Foundation has been promoting healthy and natural approaches and methods to gain satisfaction, relaxation and long-term life enjoyment rather than reverting to drugs… Read more »

Reaction of the OASI Foundation, Caritas Malta, and the Maltese Association of Psychiatry on the White Paper on the Use of Cannabis: A Proposal That Will Normalise Use and May Adversely Affect Society

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The organisations mentioned express their grave concern about a number of reforms proposed in the White Paper on the ‘responsible use of Cannabis’. This White Paper proposes a fundamental shift in direction towards further acceptance of the culture of use of Cannabis.In a democratic society we respect dialogue and understand that politicians are confronted with… Read more »

Interview With Chris Bonnici About OASI And Its Work

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Chris Bonnici from the Primary Prevention Team was recently interviewed by Newsbook about OASI’s work in the community, the basis of the treatment for addiction offered, and how the pandemic has affected the Foundation and those who seek its help. You can watch the interview on Newsbook.