Following are the OASI Foundation’s suggestions and input to the National Drugs policy during its drafting process, sent to the commission on the 17th of April 2023. To read the suggestions, click here
Posts Tagged: Addiction
Project ‘Skema Solidarjeta Mal-Vittmi tad-Droga’
OASI foundation prides itself on delivering the best services to its service users. Our premises includes counseling rooms and a residential unit where our service users work on their recovery. At our premises we also hold various talks, seminars, and educational sessions. These (as we all know) need constant maintenance and upgrading. To keep such… Read more »
OASI CupRun and Fun Walk- Press Release
Press ReleaseThe eighth edition of the OASI Cup Run & Fun Walk was held on Sunday 2nd of October 2022. The event was organised by the OASI Foundation. Sport is scientifically proven to be a healthy way to improve mental health, to relax, to improve self-confidence and socialise. The OASI Foundation strongly believes that this,… Read more »
Training Seminar: Eating Disorders, Addiction, and Wellbeing.
Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions characterized by disturbances in eating behaviours and thoughts about food and weight. Eating disorders are not simply a diet or a lifestyle choice, they are serious illnesses that impair psychosocial functioning and physical health. On the 5th and 6th of July 2022 Dar Kenn għal Saħħtek in collaboration… Read more »
Waqt iċ-ċeremonja ta’ Jum l-OASI li saret nhar is Sibt 25 ta’ Ġunju, Dr Alfred Grech qara waħda mill-poeziji tiegħu bl-isem ‘Sakranazzi’. Biex wieħed ikun jista’ jaqra din il-poezija jista’ jagħfas hawnhekk
OASI Day 2022
OASI Foundation31 Years of Continuous ActivityWhat is happening in Europe is happening at our doorstep. This was the message of OASI Foundation Chief Executive on the 31st anniversary of the Foundation.The 26th of June is the International Day against Drugs, but this same date is also a special day for the OASI Foundation in Gozo…. Read more »
Konferenza Nazzjonali 2022:Diskors tal-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni OASI
Nhar it-18 ta’ Mejju waqt il-Konferenza Nazzjonali; ‘Ix-Xogħol…u l-Addiction?’, waqt id-diskors tiegħu, il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni OASI, Is-Sur Noel Xerri għamel referenza għall-statistika li ħarget minn informazzjoni demografika minn dawk il-persuni li għamlu kuntatt mal-Fondazzjoni fl-2021 fejn turi b’mod ċar li l-addiction qiegħda fl-istrata kollha tas-soċjeta tagħna.Għad-diskors kollu li intqal mill-Kap Eżekuttiv, wieħed jista jagħfas hawn.Press… Read more »
Work…and Addiction?
We should be working more towards an inclusive society, where no one should be left behind, whether with addiction or any other social problem, said the President of Malta, H.E. George Vella, during a conference today, the 18th of May. The OASI Foundation, together with the Northern Region, organized a National Conference under the Distinct… Read more »
Co-morbidity: Mental Illness and Addiction
On the 25th March a lecture was held by OASI Foundation, entitled ‘Co- morbidity: Mental illness and Addiction’. Psychiatrists Dr Chantelle Azzopardi and Dr Joseph Fenech gave further insight during this event, on a variety of mental illnesses together with their relationship with addiction and vice versa. The lecture was well-attended with participants all hailing… Read more »
Alcohol and Thiamine: What is the connection?
Thiamine is one essential nutrient needed by the body to convert the foods we eat into energy. It is known as the transformer, which converts carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy for our organs to function. However, thiamine is not produced by the body itself, but rather depends on the foods we consume on a… Read more »