Interview With Chris Bonnici About OASI And Its Work

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Chris Bonnici from the Primary Prevention Team was recently interviewed by Newsbook about OASI’s work in the community, the basis of the treatment for addiction offered, and how the pandemic has affected the Foundation and those who seek its help. You can watch the interview on Newsbook.

The OASI Foundation, Caritas Malta, Sedqa and the Maltese Association of Psychiatry on the Use of Cannabis and Legal Implications

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Here, together, we are issuing this statement as our contribution to the public discussion:Positive Developments:ESPAD (Sedqa, 2019) indicates that 12% of 15-year-olds said that they have tried cannabis in their lives. This rate has remained stable since 2015. In fact, there has been a slight decrease. This rate is much lower than the European average…. Read more »

The Rising Use of Crack Cocaine in Malta

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A recent interview with social workers working in the field of addiction, including OASI CE Noel Xerri, focused on the rise in the use of crack cocaine in Malta and its effects.  The interview also looked into how people report starting to use cocaine, and the differences between the use and effects of cocaine powder… Read more »

Going Solar

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The OASI Foundation is committed to working towards reducing our carbon footprint, in line with our guiding principles of healthy living for the betterment of society.  We are happy to report that, through ERDF funding, a number of solar panels have been installed at the OASI premises, allowing us to offset the power we utilize… Read more »

The President and Mrs. Vella Visit OASI

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During an official visit to Gozo, the President of Malta, Dr. George Vella, and his wife, Mrs. Miriam Vella, visited the OASI Center to meet with residents and staff.  The President had words of encouragement for those doing the residential program, and thanked them for sharing their experiences with him. Press Coverage:DOITVMOne NewsGozoNews 

Prevention Starts Early

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In parenting, when the parents are overly authoritative or protective, it is likely that the result will have the opposite effect. Very often, the result of such parenting would be that the child builds an attitude and a reaction that can lead to all sorts of things that can go totally against the parents’ expectations… Read more »


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Daily life has developed in such a way that one is finding oneself in stressful situations that are threatening to one’s health. The causes can be many and also vary, and sometimes complicated as well. Hereunder we will mention some of these causes.When you feel unaccepted – One of the most common causes is when… Read more »