Waqt iċ-ċeremonja ta’ Jum l-OASI li saret nhar is Sibt 25 ta’ Ġunju, Dr Alfred Grech qara waħda mill-poeziji tiegħu bl-isem ‘Sakranazzi’. Biex wieħed ikun jista’ jaqra din il-poezija jista’ jagħfas hawnhekk
Posts Tagged: Alcohol
Co-morbidity: Mental Illness and Addiction
On the 25th March a lecture was held by OASI Foundation, entitled ‘Co- morbidity: Mental illness and Addiction’. Psychiatrists Dr Chantelle Azzopardi and Dr Joseph Fenech gave further insight during this event, on a variety of mental illnesses together with their relationship with addiction and vice versa. The lecture was well-attended with participants all hailing… Read more »
Alcohol and Thiamine: What is the connection?
Thiamine is one essential nutrient needed by the body to convert the foods we eat into energy. It is known as the transformer, which converts carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy for our organs to function. However, thiamine is not produced by the body itself, but rather depends on the foods we consume on a… Read more »
The 12 Steps 6-12
The following are Step 6 to Step 12. At OASI, these steps are worked with a sponsor or their counselor once a person finishes the residential program. This does not mean that the following steps are of less importance than the first five, in fact, it is highly recommended that recovering addicts continue working… Read more »
Common Fears in Recovery
Being afraid it a natural instinct, we all experience fear. Most active addicts will contemplate recovery as this is something new to them, and with new things, comes along new challenges, new obstacles, new fears and what ifs’. Fear is a sign that you are ready to meet the unknown and face a new life… Read more »
Date-Rape Drugs
Imagine you are partying and you drink only so much alcohol, however you have an inclination that something is wrong. Something just doesn’t feel right. You remember that you left your drink unattended for some time. Someone might have slipped in any substance in it, and now you’re experiencing some signs that you may have… Read more »
Bullying… a term we hear often, and mostly associate it with young children or unruly teenagers. What is bullying and why does it happen? Bullying can be defined as unwanted, repeated behaviour which can have long lasting problems for both the bully and the person being bullied. Bullying includes actions such as threatening, embarrassing someone… Read more »
The term HALT is a term used in AA and NA and it refers to those things that can negatively impact our recovery and can eventually lead to our relapse. This occurs when someone who has been clean and sober for a while, starts using drugs or alcohol again.Relapsing is a process and a part… Read more »
Staying Clean and Sober
Total abstinence refers to complete abstinence from alcohol, drugs or any other substances which alters one’s behaviour. The key word ‘abstinence’ might scare away a lot of people, especially those who are still in the early stages of their recovery. It is normal for both the body and mind, to feel as if you would… Read more »
Interview With Chris Bonnici About OASI And Its Work
Chris Bonnici from the Primary Prevention Team was recently interviewed by Newsbook about OASI’s work in the community, the basis of the treatment for addiction offered, and how the pandemic has affected the Foundation and those who seek its help. You can watch the interview on Newsbook.