Work at OASI Foundation discussed during visit by Michelle Muscat

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Mrs Michelle Muscat and members of the Marigold Team inaugurated the refurbishment work carried out at the OASI Residential Treatment and Rehabilitation. During this discussion OASI emphasised about the focus made to the attitude the Maltese society has towards recreational drugs. Mrs Muscat was presented with findings and recommendations arising from the two conferences organised… Read more »

Fitness Class 2019

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The Bern Hersey’s Fitness Club organised a special class at the Sacred Heart Seminary Fitness Centre in aid of the OASI Foundation. More than 80 people attended the one-hour session, during which they were given fitness intelligence guidelines by Leo. The aim of the activity is in line with the OASI Foundation’s preventive approach: sport and… Read more »

Youth Exchange

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Representatives from Norway, Romania, Uzbekistan and Italy had an eventful week learning about the various services offered in Gozo. Among other places, they visited the OASI Foundation where they discussed drug and alcohol addiction and what are the services and help offered by the Foundation. Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana joined in the discussion and expressed… Read more »

OASI Day & International Day Against Drug Abuse 2018

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On Sunday 24th June 2018, to commemorate the OASI Foundation’s 27th anniversary from its official opening in 1991, on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse, a Thanksgiving Function was held at the OASI Centre.In a speech on behalf of the Board of Directors, Mr. Joseph Borg stated that Fr. Emmanuel Cordina has passed the… Read more »

OASI Representatives attend symposium on drug abuse/trafficking

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Three representatives from the OASI Foundation, attended to a symposium in Brussels entitled, ‘Europe’s Action Plan on Drugs: Cooperation and Collaboration for the Reduction of Demand and Supply. The aim behind this symposium was to discuss the latest challenges and consider the necessary steps forward to win the battle against illicit drug trafficking and substance… Read more »

OASI Day 2017

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A Thanksgiving Celebration was held at OASI Centre to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the OASI Foundation.The Minister for Gozo, Justyne Caruana, in her address for the occasion, praised the commitment with which the OASI Foundation managed to integrate into today’s dynamic society to help individuals who encounter problems due to addiction. Present for this commemoration… Read more »

Annual General Meeting 2017

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The Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit of the OASI Foundation, during 2016, catered for 205 persons with an addiction problem. Of these clients, 64 benefitted from a residential program and collectively made use of 2,568 bed nights. 95% of the residents making use of the OASI services are residents from Malta, while the rest come from… Read more »

Annual General Meeting 2016

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The first Annual General Meeting of the OASI Foundation was held on Sunday, 31st July 2016.The Board of Directors thanked all those who have contributed to the work of the Foundation, gave an overview of what has been done so far and the charting of the new statute, and presented their vision for the way… Read more »

OASI Day 2016

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On Sunday, the OASI Foundation celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a ceremony held in Gozo. In the late 80s, Fr. Emmanuel Cordina started encountering cases of drug experimentation in Gozo, and became aware of the lack of educational and preventive services in the sector.With the help of a group of people, Fr. Cordina started the… Read more »

OASI Day 2014

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To commemorate the 23rd anniversary since the opening of the OASI Foundation, Director General Fr Emmanuel Cordina celebrated a thanksgiving Mass at its centre in Victoria.  During the ceremony, the Oasi Award was presented to Dorothy Meli, Maria Debono and Carmen Cordina for their help and support over the years.Gozo Minister Anton Refalo emphasised that… Read more »