Over 20 years of voluntary work carried out by Maria Louisa Scicluna with the OASI Foundation have been duly recognised with the presentation of the National Award for Voluntary Work. During these years Scicluna carried out voluntary duties in administration, and gave sapport to various families. Marisa, as she is popularly known, also set up a group of some 60 volunteers to provide support to the foundation.
This National award for Voluntary Service is organised by the Council for the Voluntary Sector under the patronage of President George Vella. Dr Vella pointed out that voluntary service is important and is one of the mainstays of society. In the words of the President, the work being carried out by organisations working in various voluntary sectors is invaluable. Vella added that no society, in any country, can function unless these services are provided by voluntary organisations.
The National Award gives recognition to the work carried out by volunteers and voluntary organisations within the community and highlights these exemplary values for youths and society.